VCBH Programs

Program Description The mission of this program is to deliver excellent and effective health services that engage individuals with complex needs in recovering in their health, hopes, and dreams. Telecare is the provider for VISTA and provides program services to adults with serious mental illness in Ventura County, California. The VISTA Adult Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) program provides services to individuals that have been identified as severely and persistently mentally ill, homeless or at risk for homelessness, and incarcerated within the past year. Upon release from jail, a Telecare VISTA team member will pick up the potential member, address immediate needs, and schedule an appointment for psychiatric assessment. Additionally, some of the adult members participate in what is known as Mental Health Court. The VISTA team works with an individual to assist in successfully meeting their court and probation requirements. When an individual has met their legal obligation(s) they "graduate" from mental health court. Building on traditional ACT standards, this program uses a recovery-centered experience for people served based on a belief that recovery can happen. Programs and staff strive to create an environment where a person can choose to recover. By connecting to everyone’s core self and trusting it to guide the way, it is possible to awaken the desire to embark on the recovery journey. Status ☒Continuing from FY 18/19 ☐New during FY 19/20 Age Group ☐ Children (0-15) ☒ TAY (16-25) ☒ Adult (26-59) ☒ Older Adult (60+) Total FY 19/20 Cost $797,580 Cost per Participant (FY 19/20) $14,501 FY 19/20 # Served 55 FY 20/21 Fiscal Allocation $852,230 MHSA 2020-2021 Annual Update 65 | Page The ACT programs use multidisciplinary teams that include psychiatrists, nurses, masters-level clinical staff, and personal service coordinators. Some staff may be consumers who are in recovery themselves. Services include, but are not limited to: • Psychiatric assessment • 24/7 crisis response • Individual treatment planning • Intensive case management services • Psychosocial rehabilitative skill building • Psychotropic medication education and support • Linkage and advocacy with entitlements • Linkage to vocational and educational services in the community • Housing linkage and some limited funding • Advocacy and support with Mental Health Court participants • Support with adhering to Probation requirements